FAME 8/12/19, 6:30 p.m. Quanda Hoods’ home
In attendance: Mary Trimpe, Linda McNiel, Nicole Alcorn, Quanda Hood, Lisa Persels, Amber and Mick Scheetz, Carol Preston, Michelle and Geoff Emmel, Margaret Reihman, Emily Chatfield, Barb Weise, Amy Tackaberry.
Minutes – Approved July minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda gave out the Treasurer’s report. Linda combined the Choir and Show Choir accounts, and adjusted the $300 allocated funds for the Elementary schools. North Bend and Tiffin Elementary will no longer have a Band account, that will go to the Oak Hill school, since they will have 5th grade students. NB and TE will still have Music and Art accounts, and OH will have Band, Music and Art. There will be a net of two additional $300 accounts this year with the new school opening.
There are several new elementary teachers in the Fine Arts and once the school web site is updated, Nicole will create a list and we will update our email teacher contact list. Updated list below. 📷
Budget – Lisa started working on it and sent it to Linda and Quanda. Will send it to everyone to review and may have a budget working session.
Marching Band uniforms – need more volunteers to help with fitting and ironing.
501c3 – no news yet. 6 months would be about November.
Membership database, tabled for now. Will come back to that.
Risers for the choir. FAME will contribute $2,310 and will reimburse the school.
FAME promotional video. Thanks again Michelle E. for doing a great job on that. Tracy said that during the spring concerts, the screen cannot come down due to the shells. This would be the case for MS and HS choir concerts. Band concerts should be OK. We may need to do a dry run before the concerts to figure out how/where to show the video. The video contains all of our business sponsors. In future years, may get some students to update it. Geoff will reach out to HS art teachers and maybe Speech to find students willing to work on it. Target is April for determining a winner and would be for use the following school year. Prize a $100 gift card from Amazon.
Backpack. Nicole will contact Laurie Haman to promote the membership drive in the Backpack. Will do something similar to what the Athletic Boosters did.
Membership – will leave the membership at $40 for this year.
Ice Cream Social – 8/24/19. Kim is picking up the supplies. Linda currently has the only credit card. Quanda may get another card. Nicole, Linda, Quanda and Carol will be at the Ice Cream Social to help set up. Quanda is going to ask Mr. Smith is the drum majors will be serving again this year.
Show Choir sneak peak on Thursday, 8/15/19. Amy and Kim are making cupcakes for after the performance. Amber is picking up some toppings and supplies.
Membership Drive – Back to School Nights. Was suggested that we make up ziplock bag packets of materials and supplies for these, so they are ready for whomever is going to be able to be at the events. Nicole will work on an email for the membership drive. Carol will ask Laurie Haman for the parent email data again. August 21 from 4-6 pm, all elementary Back to School Nights, Amber and Mick will be at Clear Creek Elementary in Oxford, Nicole will be at Tiffin Elementary. No one yet for Amana Elementary or NBE. August 20 8am-8pm is the MS BTSN and, 4-6 pm at Oak Hill. Quanda will be at Oak Hill. August 22 is the new students/Freshman night at the HS, and September 5 is HS Open House. The Emmels will be at the table for the Open House. Carol and Amy will also be around that night. Amy suggested handing out popcorn. She later found out that the concession stand was selling it. May hand out fruit snacks at the table.
Sign up Genius – Quanda will give Carol access to that too.
Quanda will email Mr. Smith to ask him to include our new brochures with the car wash kits.
Music Teachers will have a Professional Development Day on August 23. Quanda and Lisa will come around 11:30 am and FAME will provide lunch. They will talk about FAME and the allocation requests, and get an idea from the teachers what their needs and concerns are for the upcoming school year. There will be 7 teachers. FAME will get sandwiches from Jimmy Johns.
Quanda will reach out to Molly Ray to see if the art teachers will be having a similar meeting and ask Mr. Smith if instrumental music will be having one.
Ms. Williamson is finalizing the Marching Band show shirts. They will run through FAME. Quanda suggested that we have a t shirt and window clings to sell at football games or events, or sell on our website. Michelle will ask Amy Albert with the Athletic Boosters if we can share some concession stand space, or talk to Ronnfeldt for permission to set up a table.
Cherrie Weih, of the Band Aids picked up pizzas and donated them for the Marching Band Freshman camps. Quanda picked up Subway sandwiches for the Leadership camp.
Car Wash – People are checking to see if we can promote it on the North Liberty electric boards, Green CCU in North Liberty (Nicole). Amy will check with City of Tiffin. Laurel P. took about 7 flyers and posted in locations in Amana. Carol will call KCJJ. Kids have the poster board signs from last year and can make more. Carol dropped off some supplies with Mr. Smith.
Fruit Sales – Mary Trimpe will be organizing again this year. She will give Quanda a list of the items for sale. Will be eliminating a few items that didn’t sell well, like pineapples. Wants to open up online sales on the Friday after the Homecoming parade. Mary will print cards and have tootsie rolls to hand out at the parade. Carol will check with Tracy W. to identify some students to hand those out in the parade.
Quanda will be checking with the Band Aids to set up the Marching band sack lunches and pizza that is normally provided to the students for the Linn Mar/Marion contest, (Sept. 28) and the Muscatine/State festival (October 12).
Carol asked if it would work with everyone to move the meeting start times up a little to 5:30 or 6:00 pm. We agreed to start at 6pm.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at about 8:30 p.m.
Next meeting – Monday September 9 2019 at 6:00pm at the CCA HS.