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February 2023 Agenda and Minutes


CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, February 13th · 6:30 – 8:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

  1. Approval of Minutes - LINK

  2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report - LINK

    1. Quickbooks update: Finishing reconciliation, regular touchpoint to review.

  3. Activities:

    1. Upcoming events

      1. Show Choir Fundraisers

        1. Shirts delivered - 1 shirt short - Syncere is working as quickly as possible to get that shirt made for us. The parent has been informed, should have by Monday or Tuesday.

  1. MS Honor Band-Saturday, Feb. 18th 10am-4pm

    1. Donuts and Coffee for Breakfast (Conductors and Directors)

    2. Lunch for Conductors and Staff - Panera

    3. Concessions for students 10 am til about 4 pm.

      1. Hotdogs, Pizza, Drinks, Chips, Candy, Popcorn, etc.

  1. Mattress Sale - 3/26

    1. Request was for what mattresses are sold. Company does not have any catalog or brochure. Highland is having one on Feb. 26th

  1. Costco Fundraiser-Lindsey

    1. Update - $18.99 is the cost - Sell Price: $25

    2. Setup on website - Quanda

    3. Flyer Created - Quanda

    4. Get the word out - Team-Pick up on Monday and Thursday night before Mother’s Day

  1. Monster Band - 475 students 5-12 District Wide-Thursday, March 9th

    1. Food offerings: Walking Tacos (Lindsey), Hot Dogs (Quanda) and Hamburgers (Brad Schloss), drinks, chips, dessert (cookies, etc. Quanda/Maybe Pam). Regular concessions with Pizza (Costco).

    2. Collecting monetary donations towards food costs.

    3. Marking down the amount of food sold so we know for the future.

  1. Musical Silent Auction

    1. Baskets-Use this list and reach out to different businesses/help put together a basket. Please mark on the list who you have contacted and what you have received/picked up.

  2. Coe Jazz Festival - Zio Johnos - Suz is handling

    1. Funds coming from the Band account

  1. District Needs

    1. Old - Marching Band Trailer Wrap - RFQs - finally got an update from the CO

      1. $6110.83 - What is FAME willing to donate? LINK

      2. There needs to be more than one RFQ.-Quanda is going to reach out to the district to ask for a quote from another company.

    2. New - Marching Band Trailer - update from facilities: We are in the process of getting a new truck for the grounds department that will be capable of pulling this new trailer. Availability has been throwing a wrench into this. John, I believe we were thinking around a 36' gooseneck trailer for this? This would give you 28' of floor space along with the 8 feet of storage above the hitch of the trailer. This would be in addition to using the current band trailer as well. Looking at prices on something like this we will need to have a budget in the realm of $40,000 for a good quality trailer. I will make some calls and get some current pricing and lead times from our local vendors. Also for reference here is a link to a 36' trailer that's currently for sale in O'Fallon Missouri:


      1. Quote from Berg Auto Sales - LINK, IMAGE

    4. PAC Upgrades -

      1. Payout so far: $3704.81

      2. Looking to fill out the South Slope Grant App to get additional funds

  2. Family Memberships

    1. For now $50 for Individual

    2. Tiers to be set up - SWAG in progress - Targeting 2023/2024 School Year

    3. Go to Kindergarten Round Up to promote FAME-Spring

    4. Back to School Nights-Need to know when they are in advance-Fall

  1. Business Memberships

    1. Business Letter

    2. Need help to reach out to other businesses.

    3. Reduced membership to $300.

  1. Biennial Report for FAME to the Secretary of State early in 2023 - Quanda

    1. DONE!

Next Meeting - March 13th via Zoom

Possible Concession Stand on Tuesday, Feb. 21st Time: TBD

Elaine Watson Michelle and Geoff Emmel

Kelly Schieltz Lindsey Downes




FAME Fine Arts Booster Club is a non-profit group committed to supporting education and activities in art, drama, speech, choir, and band for all Clear Creek Amana students, from kindergarten through 12th grade. Through our fundraising events and volunteer activities, we have been able to provide the district fine arts teachers with funds for needed supplies to enhance the fine art experiences offered to all CCA students.



PO Box 23

Tiffin, IA 52340

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