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March 2024 Agenda and Minutes


Updated: Mar 21, 2024

CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, March 18, 2024 · 6:30 – 8:00 pm

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Attendees: Quanda Hood, Lindsey Downes, Kelly Schieltz, Peg Van Zante, Sus Schloss, and Kurt Ronnfelt.

Facilitator: Quanda Hood

Note taker: Quanda Hood

Approval of Previous Minutes -

Approval of Current Agenda - Reviewed Not Approved

Approval of Treasurer’s Report:  Statement of Activity and Financial Position

  1. Approve Previous Minutes - Approved Peg Z motioned, Lindsey D 2nd

  2. Financial Report - Approved Lindsey Motioned - Peg Z 2nd

    1. Lynette Williams has been added to the Hills Bank Account, website, and QuickBooks.

    2. Lynette and Quanda have met several times to review basic processes and procedures independently and with the accountants.

    3. Membership is to vote on reducing the teacher allocations for the remainder of this school year to reduce output and ensure we have funds for other support. - Approved to reduce to $300 for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year.

    4. Received a $3000 gift from the Trust of Justin Lee Clayton. Justin was not a student at CCA; however, his family and remaining siblings are now in the CCA district. Per Justin's mother, he was in a band and loved music, and this donation was made in his honor.

      1. Discuss renaming one of FAME's two scholarships to the Justin Lee Clayton FAME Scholarship.

      2. Funds have been transferred to the Money Market Acct

      3. Approved to rename one scholarship. Lindsey Motioned - Kelly S 2nd

    5. Future Purchases

      1. Refrigerator

        1. New and Old - Agree to discuss and review. Quanda to reach out to Boosters to discuss sharing costs.

    6. Balance of Allocations for PAC Upgrades - Pay out the allocation of the PAC account $1,386.54. Kelly S Motioned - Lindsey D 2nd.

  3. Fundraising

    1. School Concessions - school concession profits are held in a School account for use by Teachers internally - those funds are not paid out to FAME or in FAME's control. The total this school year is $4,785.00.

    2. Mattress Sale is underway, with weekly messages being sent via FB, the website, yard signs, and school banners (and homes as students take yard signs home).

      1. Suggesting we focus on getting yard signs up around school entrances, strategic spots and areas, and banners. Quanda will contact facilities about banner placement and coordinate with Kurt on clearance to place banners on fences at MS/HS.

      2. Quanda must sign out Commons on 4/6 (evening load-in) and 4/7 (day of sale. We will require a volunteer to be on site in the morning when the sale begins. - Done and waiting on approval from the District.

      3. Ask Chris C and Tracey W to have students take home signs. Quanda to reach out to Maury about banners placed on school grounds. - Quanda H

      4. Create and share Zoom link for parent's meeting.

    3. Tidal Wave Car Wash

      1. Sale is underway

      2. Starts 2/19, Ends 3/19

      3. Funds are deposited directly to the account weekly.

      4. Deposits to date: $300.00

    4. Scratch Cupcakes

      1. The sale is underway - note that it was posted to FB on 2/23 as we had heard that another group in the district was also selling cupcakes. We are confirming that, but we at least wanted to post it. We may not advertise it until 3/4.

      2. Starts 3/4, Ends 3/22, Pick Up 4/7

      3. Pick-up scheduled for 4/7: Quanda will pick up cupcakes in Cedar Falls on Sunday morning and bring them to the high school. We will need help with sorting. Stacie D will lead and coordinate the sale and pick up. Picked this day to correspond with the mattress sale to increase the chance of sales and make the sale look busy.

      4. Should we purchase extras to have for the day of the mattress sale?

      5. Deposits to Date: $378.00

    5. Musical Silent Auction

      1. Update - Peg Van Zante

      2. Add slot for Silent Auction Monitor to Sign Up Genius - Quanda H

    6. DonationMatch - Peg Van Zante - Hold for Now

      1. Free Account vs. Paid Account

        1. With a free account, we are limited to posting one event.

        2. $250 a year to upgrade

        3. Multiple Users

        4. More than one event can be posted at a time.

    7. Business Memberships

      1. In-kind donation from Canes - $150 for Judges' lunches at SEIBA Jazz. Working on a typical Business Donation of $500.

      2. We will add it to the website either way.

    8. Fame Memberships

    9. Investigate GroupFund and SnapRaise as methods of raising funds within the District. - Quanda H

  4. Upcoming Events

    1. Solo Instrumental and Ensemble - 3/21

    2. Mattress Sale Parents' Meeting - 3/21

    3. Musical - 4/11 to 4/13 - Sign Up Genius Ready to Go

    4. Scholarships

      1. Three Judges Secured:

        1. Justin Roberts - TV Personality

        2. Alicia Abrams - Glass Artist

        3. Eric Johnson - Development Director SOTA

    5. Concert Band Festival - 4/24

    6. Spring Band Concert - 5/1 - Senior Roses

    7. 5th Grade Concerts - 5/2

    8. Spring Choir Concert - 5/13 - Senior Roses*

      1. Move monthly FAME meeting due to conflict

    9. Monster Band - 5/14

      1. Contact Booster to Align use of Concessions




FAME Fine Arts Booster Club is a non-profit group committed to supporting education and activities in art, drama, speech, choir, and band for all Clear Creek Amana students, from kindergarten through 12th grade. Through our fundraising events and volunteer activities, we have been able to provide the district fine arts teachers with funds for needed supplies to enhance the fine art experiences offered to all CCA students.



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Tiffin, IA 52340

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