CCA FAME Monthly Meeting
Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 · 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://iowacityschools-org.zoom.us/j/91047158702
Attendees: Lindsey, Lynette, Danielle, Quanda, Peg, Tom Daniel, Kelly
Facilitator: Lindsey
Note taker: Lindsey
Approval of Previous Minutes - (Motion -Peg , Second -Danielle )
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: See at bottom of blog post.
Lynette to review Treasurer's Report
Choir fund inflated due to Mums sales - this will decrease when Mums are purchased.
Teacher Allocation over $300: When we have teachers who ask for things over $300, we are going to bring it to the group. What are some things that we want to know about the purchase?
Is there somewhere similar to purchase?
Have they price shopped around?
What is the rationale behind the purchase?
Ask the teacher to attend the meeting to help explain the request/item.
Mum Sales: Update from Peg.
Peg is purchasing the mums on Friday at auction. Some Grandparents volunteered to help bring the mums back to the school. 113 mums have been pre-sold as of today. Last year about 125(ish) were sold with some people donating their mums back to be sold for additional sales. Peg plans to purchase 10-15 more than pre-sold as last year they sold out very quickly that were available for same day purchase.
Tracy Williams sent out a sign-up for students and parents to help with the mums pick up at the HS on Friday. Almost all spots are filled.
New Ideas
Chuck a Puck for the Heartlanders Hockey Team-Lindsey will follow up for dates.
Possibly do this for 1-2 games.
What are we fundraising for?
Band: New Uniforms and Percussion Instrument.
Mr. Daniel is going to check to see what the school will pay for.
2-3 years before the life of standard uniforms is up.
Larger percussion, so the need for additional percussion instruments has increased.
Choir: Mics
The projector is old in the PAC. Mr. Daniel is going to check to see if the update to a projector will work with new mics.
Other ideas: Kelly is going to reach out to someone who works for Aramark, Peg is going to knock on the door at Kinnick. Lindsey has emailed and called any contact that she has been given.
Money made from Band Car Wash: $2581.52
Homecoming parade float/truck:
Lindsey is going to contact Brad Schloss to see if he will drive the truck.
Fruit Snacks have been purchased (on sale at Costco) by Lindsey and Fruit Snack Stickers are ready from Quanda.
Any takers on wanting to be in the parade for FAME?
Treasurer Reports